zhpy—Write Python language in Chinese
周蟒是針對華文地區,以簡化程式教學為主要目的的 Python 程式語言方言。周蟒中文程式語言是目前唯一有多位開發者、持續更新版本、並提供電子書、API、完整測試用例的開放原始碼中文程式語言。
新手在程式莊園外徘徊。 門房跟新手說: 「你要先買一本導覽手冊,我才準許你進來」。 新手遞出了金幣,門房交給新手一本程式語言導覽手冊。 新手在程式殿堂外徘徊。 門口的警衛跟新手說: 「你要能使用英語溝通,我才准許你進來」。 新手學懂了英語回來,門口的警衛終於打開了門。 程式的殿堂裡面,不出所料, 果然已擠滿了外國人。
閱讀 咬一口 Python (周蟒) 程式語言電子書
如果要快速上手,你可以照著做 安裝使用周蟒。
如果你已經學過 Python 程式語言,你可以對照 Python 語法,
查看 快速語法參考手冊
About ZHPY
zhpy (pronounce as ‘zippy’ or ‘Z-H-pi’) is the full feature python language with fully tested chinese keywords, variables, and parameters support, independent on python version, bundle with command line tool, interpreter, pluggable keyword system and great document.
zhpy on python is good for Taiwan and China beginners to learn python in their native language.
The core of zhpy is a lightweight python module and a chinese source convertor based on python, which provides interpreter and command line tool to translate zhpy code to python. zhpy integrated a setuptools-based plugin system for keyword reuse. The zhpy code written in traditional and simplified chinese could be translated and converted to natual python code. Thus it could be execute as nature python code and be used in normal python programs.
Use ‘zhpy’ command instead of “python” in command line to execute source code wrote in Chinese and English.
zhpy provide a method ‘zh_exec’ that allow to embed chinese script in python, zhpy could be used as the chinese script in shell as well.
zhpy use pyparsing module to detect chinese keywords, class name, methods, arguments, variables and translate them back to python. I’d recommand developers to reuse zhpy architecture for python on korean or python on japenese.
Check the BasicUsageEn to glance zhpy examples.
“Codepad.org是一个很有意思的网站,它的主页很简单,左边是可以编译并执行的程序语言,右边则是让你输入程序的输入框,输入框的下面是一个“Run Code”的复选钮和一个“Submit”的提交按钮。
目前这个网站支持下面这样语言——C,C++,D,Haskell,Lua,OCaml,PHP,Perl,Plain Text,Python,Ruby,Scheme,Tcl。(没有Java)
当我打开这个网页的时候,我立马想到了《6个变态的C语言Hello World程序》,然后就取了其中一个上去试了一下,果然方便啊。的确是相当的省事啊,不需要打开编译器或IDE,不需要建工程,不需要存成文件,太方便了。
codepad.org执行BT的hello world
posted on 2011-05-11 08:59 Leo Chin 阅读(11) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏
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