DnsJumper——快速切换本机DNS服务的绿色软件 & 几款 DNS 测试软件

2011年5月27日 | 分类: 乱七八糟 | 标签: , , , , ,

Dns Jumper 是一款专门用于一键切换DNS的免费应用程序,里面已经包含多组DNS ,当然也包含了 Google DNS,或者可以自定义添加。Dns Jumper 绿色免费,支持多国语言。
Dns Jumper 使用:选择你当前的网卡,选择一个DNS服务,应用DNS!

Dns Jumper官方:http://www.sordum.com/
Dns Jumper下载:http://www.sordum.com/dns_jumper/2010x07x09/DnsJumper.zip




我的 QQ 能聊天,但是什么网页都打不开了,怎么办?!。。。。。。噢 No,我重新登录 QQ 居然都上不去了!

出现这种情况,一般都是 DNS 出问题,今天介绍几款 DNS 测试软件,可以方便的解决这个问题,当然,不限于此。

Fast DNS

首先出场的是 彗星 DNS 优化器。 这个软件内置了大量的 DNS 服务器地址,几乎囊括了国内各省市的主要 DNS 服务器地址和国外一些著名的 DNS 服务器地址例如 Google,OpenDNS 等。软件的使用非常简单,启动后使用测试一键优化,软件会测试所有的 DNS 服务器地址速度以及解析质量,最后把软件认为最好的 DNS 服务器自动设置给你的网卡。之后你只需要在运行框中输入 ipconfig /release ,然后再输入 ipconfig /renew 即可让新的 DNS 服务器生效。强烈建议新手用户和走南闯北的售后服务人员,使用这个软件来解决 DNS 相关故障。

DNS Jumper

第二个是 DNS Jumper 。这个软件也内置了一些 DNS 服务器地址,但是大多是国外的,好在可以通过编辑 ini 文件来添加国内的 DNS 服务器地址。它可以通过点击 Fastest DNS 按钮来批量测试 DNS 服务器,也可以在下拉菜单选中一组 DNS 服务器后点击下面的 check response time 来测试,之后只需点击 Apple DNS 然后 Flush DNS 即可让新的 DNS 服务器生效。

第三个是本站曾经多次提及的 GRC’s DNS Benchmark 。这款软件可以全面测试 DNS 服务器的解析速度,安全程度,专业程度较高,并不建议初级用户使用。


最后一个是 NameBench 。这款软件是比较纯粹的一款 DNS 服务器测速软件,DNS 服务器手动填写,但是软件可以根据自动侦测出来的用户区域来添加区域内最佳 DNS 服务器。内置 Alexa Top2000 为待测试网站地址,生成的报表非常详细,包括速度和劫持情况。测试完成后也会提醒用户哪几个 DNS 服务器最适合当前的测试机器。

你也可以去 dnsentropy 在线测试你当前使用的 DNS 服务器状态。



Public DNS Server Tool  http://www.trishtech.com/downloads/dnstool/index.php


从网上找到的答案,”HOSTS表优先,其次到本地连接指定的DNS解析,如果本地连接DNS设置为路由器IP则路由器会将DNS请求转发给路由器设置的DNS”。设置本地网卡 DNS 地址后域名解析不使用路由器 DNS 设置的。

  1. Aquamarine

    GRC’s DNS Benchmark比较难用么?我觉得只要把默认的服务器移除,加入要测试的服务器,然后测试就可以了。至于报告会自动把较快的放在前面,这么用对的吧?

    • iGFW


      • Aquamarine


      • Aquamarine


  2. AS

    30.10.2011 New ver.:Dns jumper v1.0.4
    “What’s new:
    1. [ Fixed ] – Antivirus “False Positive” Problems (No UPX and No more False Positive)
    2. [ Fixed ] – Doesn’t work on some Vista / windows 7
    3. [ Fixed ] – Doesn’t work on some x64 systems
    4. [ Fixed ] – Doesn’t work on PE (Preinstalled) Environment
    5. [ Fixed ] – Doesn’t recognise some Wlan Cards
    6. Update function added (Press i – info button and then press Update check button)”


  3. AS

    “ProxyTools is a package of Perl network utilities designed mainly to assist those whose Internet access is censored, unreliable, or otherwise damaged. Uncensored access is provided to any outside service required (Usenet News, Web browsing, IRC, Socks etc.). Setup requires installation of Perl and some modules; this is doable by even a novice MS Windows user with email instruction, allowing help to be provided to those inside these countries from expert users outside. In pursuit of this rather non-specific goal, some interesting network utilities are already produced. We think the code is interesting in itself, useful in other areas, and would welcome contributions to the overall sum of ideas, concepts and ideals expressed in these tools. The project is of interest to the following groups of people: those who live in Internet censoring countries (or corporations, schools, universities) such as the Middle East (United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria), China, Burma, etc. those who would wish to assist those in the group above. those who are interested in Perl code dealing with many aspects of networks at the socket level, and transactions using HTTP proxies. One tool in this project offers a failover capability, and intelligent choice, between various censor-bypassing strategies and network paths, offering the user a robust, uncensored connection even in a low bandwidth, unreliable, packet filtered and proxy-poor environment. those who administer the firewalls which do the censoring, and those who might be considering this. those who are just curious about the current techniques used by the first group above.. A set of tools to analyze network environments, and to aid in avoiding censorship by firewall and proxy blocking”

    “Anti-censorship tools (proxyTools) consists of a huge Perl application (localProxy) and a set of tools to analyze the user’s network (proxies, firewall rules, name servers, etc.). LocalProxy abstracts external services in an uncensored, reliable, fast manner to the localhost, where they may be used by standard clients (Web browsers, Usenet news clients, SOCKS-capable clients, etc.). Various combinations of strategies are tried to ensure the non-censored nature of the information, and multiple, parallel services (e.g. HTTP proxies) are used to ensure reliability and speed. The tools are capable of automating collection of the data required for localProxy. LocalProxy builds a configuration for the user and dynamically adjusts to using the fastest strategies and proxies available to it. The tools are useful for network analysis (firewall rules, proxy capabilities, etc.) independently of localProxy. ”


  4. AS

    “KpassDNS will help you to define bookmarks in hosts file and speed up your connection while connecting these websites.
    KpassDNS will help you to define bookmarks in hosts file and speed up your connection while connecting these websites.
    Also using KpassDNS, you can bypass DNS level censor. If you define website and IP with KpassDNS, DNS level censor can’t stop you.”

    “KpassDNS is a DNS hosts file editor. It allows you to bypass DNS-level censoring and can speed up connections to commonly visited sites by bypassing name resolution.
    Tags Utilities
    Licenses GPL
    Operating Systems Unix
    Implementation Python
    Translations English Turkish”
