Opera mini for S60 custom server

2011年6月21日 | 分类: 手机翻墙 | 标签: , ,

Opera mini for S60 custom server

本人贫穷一族,一直在用S60V2,这种手机启动JAVA很占内 存,mini4.2自定义SERVER的那个JAVA软件,开不到十个网页就报系统内存不足,但是好象没有太多解决方法,所以,最近修改了个网页代理程 序,终于能在UC上用HTTP看推,其实手机上用HTTPS网页代理还是能用的,只是HTTPS毕竟不多,它的安全程度在UC服务器上就得明文一下子,或 许存在安全的威胁,在用网页代理的过程中,确实体验到了UC服务器在处理网页上的高效

由此也确实佩服专业人才的编程水平,人家十分钟可以 写出高效简练的程式,而我写代码是一个字一个字的凑,一个小时过去了,调试一下,没有动静,一看CPU都是百分之百的,原来是个死循环,再试一下,还不 行,赶紧去问奶瓶,奶瓶不耐烦的说:这里有问题,应该如何如何;让我伤感的是哪个台湾的工程师直接跟我说:你别问了,你掏钱我给你写,我看着你这样写程序 我就难过…唉,没办法啊,谁叫我又穷又笨,初中都没有毕业就下课去内蒙给人家放养


1 下载安装 http://m.opera.com/OperaMini.sis?act=dl&tag=mini5s60_sdk2 ;(http://www.operamini.com/mobile/download/pc/)

2 初始化成功后退出来,用 winhex 打开system\apps\OperaMini\OperaMini.app ,从后往前翻,找到http://mini5cn.opera-mini.net:80 ,把这个替换成自己架设的代理SERVER,相关代码在opm-server-mirror上,网址没有这个长的,后面用十六进制的零填上,比这个长的网 址不清楚,我的是刚好一样长:)

3 修改完毕保存一下就完毕了,再次打开mini5,进入 工具 –> 设置 –> 网络协议 –> HTTP(选这个),用g.cn测试一下,如果正常,就能进入共FW了。
如果想访问国内的网站,把 网络协议 更换到 Socket,这样就走了国内的代理服务器,浏览效果会更好一些 。


$str = file_get_contents(‘OperaMini.app’);
$hex = bin2hex ($str);
$cnser = bin2hex(‘mini5cn.opera-mini.net’);
$myser = bin2hex(‘mini5.opera-mini.net’);
$hex = str_replace($cnser,$myser,$hex);

function hex2bin($data){
//$len = strlen($data);
return pack(‘H*’,$data);

4 需要提醒的是,不要分享他人的配置文件,否则,别人或许能利用你留在服务器上痕迹,比如COOKIE和历史记录等等。



需要安装S60 SDK,SIS打包工具  siscontents , petran.exe

用 siscontents 解压相关的SIS文件,

用 petran.exe 脱去 sys\bin\operamini.exe 的壳 (petranpetran -nocompress operamini.exe)

用WINHEX或者其它十六进制编辑这个EXE文件,不够长的用十六进制的零填上。(jGDS 中国服务器   wd16t 原服)

古歌一下 “S60 改服 教程”或许有所得


  1. AS

    Browser with TOR:
    “Torora is a lightweight cross-platform browser for dedicated anonymous browsing with Tor® that runs on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. One day soon it will be available for Android.
    As a dedicated Tor browser, Torora provides explicit state separation for the user. This means the user cannot fall into the trap of mixing anonymous and non-anonymous browsing with the same application.
    Torora prevents the user from browsing until it has verified the presence of a working Tor® installation.
    Torora attempts to disable/modify most browser behaviour that may allow the user to leak information to remote eavesdroppers.
    Torora allows you to access websites with geographical restrictions by allowing you to choose the country you wish to ‘be’ from.
    You can build the current version of Torora using the instructions here.
    You only need Tor installed to use Torora, you don’t need Privoxy or Polipo.
    Torora’s specification, roadmap and requirements documents are available here. You should also check out our open issues These documents, and the approach used by Torora in general, are guided by Mike Perry’s work on the FireFox extension TorButton. We’ve also written up an extensive, and ever growing, document over at the WebKit wiki describing the kind of things Torora aims to protect you from. You should read it is an introduction to the benefits Torora currently provides and the attacks it, and other browsers, are still trying to catch up on.
    Torora is in pretty good shape, even compared to Torbutton. But it still has a few things to sort out and the answer aren’t always obvious. So please don’t assume it can protect you from everything, yet.
    This product is produced independently from the Tor® anonymity software and carries no guarantee from The Tor Project about quality, suitability or anything else. Torora is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Tor® project.
    Torora is a privacy-oriented fork of the Arora browser. ”

    “Mgeni is a lightweight cross-platform browser for using Tor® to access websites with geographical restrictions.
    For example, if you live outside the UK you could use Mgeni to view programs on BBC iPlayer.
    Getting started with Mgeni is simple:
    Download and Install Tor
    Download and Install Mgeni
    Run Mgeni and choose the country you want to browse from.
    For platforms other than Windows, you can build the current version of Mgeni using the instructions here.
    Mgeni does not use Tor to provide anonymity to the user. Mgeni should not be used for anonymous browsing. Mgeni operates like most other browsers, it does not prevent websites from tracking you.
    If you want to browse anonymously, you an try torora or torbutton.
    Mgeni is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Tor® project. This product is produced independently from the Tor® anonymity software and carries no guarantee from The Tor Project about quality, suitability or anything else.
    Mgeni is a fork/clone of the Arora browser.
    Here are some screenshots. ”

    “More details about Torfox

    How to browse the web while maintaining your privacy and confidentiality ? The answer is Torfox, Tor + forked Firefox with changes in the source code to make it suitable for anonymous browsing. This project is a mash-up between Firefox and Tor. Ideally, we want to completely remove all direct communication between Firefox and the localhost. Instead, all address lookups are done through tor-resolve and all connections are made through tor socks server. Right now the project only works on Windows and relies on some rather ugly hacks at the source code level to achieve the current results which are, even in that light, quite useful. ”
    Supported Operating System(s) Windows 2K,
    File Size 11.7 MB
    License Type Open Source
    Requirements None”


    • iGFW
