pywebproxy—anti-gfw proxy written by python

2011年4月28日 | 分类: 翻墙相关 | 标签: ,


基于python2.5/2.6编写,使用eventlet框架,支持http/https代理,支持http /socks4/socks5 upstream。有内存缓存功能,效果不好,默认不打开。支持根据域名分割流量,正在编写http over http。自行编写的代码大约1000行不到,已经实现上述几个目标。但偶尔有出错,内存泄露,协程阻塞和死循环,因此算alpha。开源免费,考虑GPLv2。eventlet可以支持多平台,因此打算做deb/rpm安装包和exe安装包发布。也有考虑过py2exe发布给0经验的人,不过目前刚alpha,因此一切无从谈起。


  1. 测试周期太长,自己常常发现一些问题,但是无法精确定位问题原因。
  2. 推广有困难。
  3. 测试和打包需要人手。
  4. http over http中可能用到php程序员


  1. 有多余的时间和精力,不开会,邮件沟通,大约每周3-5小时。
  2. 有一定技术要求,混经验的可以围观,做事就免了吧。


  1. 熟悉deb/rpm打包(deb打包我可以做,但是有人统一管理更好)。
  2. 熟悉免费开源项目管理和运作。
  3. 熟悉rfc2616,测试和抓包调试。
  4. php程序员,熟悉rfc2616,熟悉加解密,压缩解包。


  1. AS

    zhpy – Write Python language in Chinese – Google Project Hosting
    “About ZHPY
    zhpy (pronounce as ‘zippy’ or ‘Z-H-pi’) is the full feature python language with fully tested chinese keywords, variables, and parameters support, independent on python version, bundle with command line tool, interpreter, pluggable keyword system and great document.
    zhpy on python is good for Taiwan and China beginners to learn python in their native language.
    The core of zhpy is a lightweight python module and a chinese source convertor based on python, which provides interpreter and command line tool to translate zhpy code to python. zhpy integrated a setuptools-based plugin system for keyword reuse. The zhpy code written in traditional and simplified chinese could be translated and converted to natual python code. Thus it could be execute as nature python code and be used in normal python programs.
    Use ‘zhpy’ command instead of “python” in command line to execute source code wrote in Chinese and English.
    zhpy provide a method ‘zh_exec’ that allow to embed chinese script in python, zhpy could be used as the chinese script in shell as well.
    zhpy use pyparsing module to detect chinese keywords, class name, methods, arguments, variables and translate them back to python. I’d recommand developers to reuse zhpy architecture for python on korean or python on japenese.
    Check the BasicUsageEn to glance zhpy examples. ”
    Downloads – zhpy – Write Python language in Chinese – Google Project Hosting
    08.2008-06.2010;Zhpy, updated 15 May 2011.


    • iGFW
