创建商业SSH代理翻墙服务器方案教程-create SSH GFW proxy

2013年2月28日 | 分类: 翻墙相关 | 标签: , ,


I just created a SSH Proxy server with business retail solution. Here it is.

1. 购买Linode服务器: 512套餐即可,200G的流量如果不够,可以再加。如果内存不够,就直接无缝升级Linode到更高的套餐。

1. Get a Linode server. 512MB option is enough. If 200G data transfer is not enough, you can upgrade to a higher level one seamlessly.

2. 登录Linode控制台,在东京建立一个服务器(东京快,我测试了,使用迅雷,在翻墙状态下,可以达到4MB/秒的速度)。SSH连接到服务器:

2. Go to console of Linode and place a new server node. In China mainland, TOKYO branch is recommended.  SSH to the server :

3. 在/root/里面下载本文需要使用到的文件,我上传在 这里 了。备注:这些文件有的是我自己写的,有的是我参考别人并做修改的。

3. Download the folder of files to /root.

4. 解压缩下载下来的文件

4. Exact the files

tar zxf sshserver.tar.gz


File structure:

limit.pl: 这个是用来限制同一时间,只能有一个SSH用户登录,并且后来登录的会强制迫使之前登录的退出。这样可以有效防止一号多用,显失公平。

limit.pl: This file enable Linux to force only one session allowed for an account login.  By this file, to share/spread the SSH account is limited.

createUser.sh: 这个是用来初次创建用户的。如果用户已经存在,则会弹出警告,并退出程序。使用方法下面详解

createUser.sh: This is a file for create a new user. Say there is a new user purchase the account, you should run this file to create a new account for him. The manual will be listed below.

updateUser.sh: 这个是用来更新用户的过期时间,在用户续费的时候会用到。

updateUser.sh: This is for updating user expired date while user renews his account.

tcBandwidth.sh 这个是使用Linux TC来控制单用户的单线程连接速度,防止个别用户占用太多速度(默认限速为800Kb/线程,按需修改配置,或者留默认值)

tcBandwidth.sh: This is a Linux TC program which is limit the connection bandwidth (download/upload). We use this program to prevent single user from occupying too much bandwidth.

5. 配置具体文件

5. Configurations

5.1 编辑开机启动文件

5.1 Edit Linux RC (system auto start configurations)

vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local
(Ubuntu: /etc/rc.local)


Add the following text

/root/limit.pl &
/root/tcBandwidth.sh start

5.2 修改单用户限速配置 (当前目录为/root/)

5.2 Change bandwidth limitation (Assume current work directory is /root/)

vim tcBandwidth.sh

* 将IP修改成你的Linode服务器的公网IP,这个必须改哦。如何获得你的Linode服务器公网IP?这个就不多说了。

* Change IP as your public Linode IP

* DNLD是下载限制,UPLD是上传限制,默认单线程800Kbit。在SSH代理客户端里,我猜测其道理刚好是相好的。也就是要限制下载速度,应该是修改UPLD,反之亦然。

* DNLD is for download bandwidth limitation, UPLD is for uploading. The default value is 800Kbit/s. Within SSH proxy, as we are using port forwarding mechanism, I guess DNLD may be uploading bandwidth, and vice-versa (Sorry, I don’t know TC well)
5.3 首次启动服务

5.3 Start service

yum groupinstall "Development Tools" "Development Libraries"
(Ubuntu: apt-get install perl)

chmod +x /root/*.pl /root/*.sh

/root/limit.pl &
/root/tcBandwidth.sh start

6. 创建用户 (参数, 假设当前目录为: /root/)

./createUser.sh 用户名 密码 几月份后过期
6. Create user (parameter, assume current working directory is /root/)
./createUser.sh username password expired_in_month


By default, expired date is 3 month.

如要创建一个叫xiaofang的用户,密码高为11111, 4个月后账户到期:

For instance, to create a user with password 11111 and being expired in 4 month:

./createUser.sh xiaofang 11111 4


7. 用户续费

7. Account expired date renew

./updateUser.sh 用户名 几月份后过期
./updateUser.sh username expired_in_month


The parameter description is the same as createUser


8. 客户端设置——小方版,请点击这里

8. Client settings — by Paul Lan, click Here.


  1. 2013年3月9日18:02
